I John 4:5 NKJV
“They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them.”
I John 4:5 NKJV
We must not be puzzled, shocked or envy those things that are against God are welcomed as part of people's lifestyle in this world.
The people who do not know their God will only live life according to what the world shows them as truth.
The enemy has many tricks up his sleeves. Trapping people in being upset, discouraged and hurt by they way the people live life against God.
We need to understand that this is how they are going to be living their life if Christ is not the Lord of their lives.
What we need to do is constantly live our life with Jesus and shine His glory and love that is so contagious.
If we can stop looking at what the enemy is doing and fix our eyes on what God is doing, then we will manifest His glory and love more effectively.
If people don’t accept us because we are living like God wants us to, that is the proof that we are of God and not of the world.
The believers sometimes want to identify themselves with the culture of today’s generation in order to reach them.
What we should be doing as a believer is to show how to live in the truth and let today's generation see the unspeakable joy and love that flows out of us.
We don’t identify ourselves like the world, we identify ourselves as children of God living life according to His principles.
We do by loving the people, caring for the people and letting them taste the goodness of God.
Each one of us is an outlet of the kingdom of God in this earth. A storehouse full of God’s goodness to be given to all who are hungry and thirsty.
Let us not be caught up by how the people of the world are living but be caught up with Jesus and let the world see what life is all about.
Ps Ambrose