Acts 2:13 NKJV
“Others mocking said, “They are full of new wine.”
Acts 2:13 NKJV
Jesus said I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Then He asked His disciples to wait for the empowerment which the Holy Spirit brings to the Church.
When the Holy Spirit was poured out, they were all baptised in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.
These are the things John the Baptist spoke about Jesus, who will baptise us with the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the church was empowered by the Holy Spirit and three thousand gave their life to Jesus.
People are captivated by the power of the Holy Spirit upon hearing them speaking in tongues.
There were a few who thought they were drunk and looked very silly.
Most churches today have less power of the Holy Spirit and don’t speak in tongues because they are concerned about what the world would think about them.
Many think that speaking in tongues will drive people away from the church but that is not what the first church showed us.
We need to focus on God as He is the Builder. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit as He is the power.
We follow God and not follow what the people of the world want to see and get God to follow what we think is the best way to do things.
We intend to make decisions on what the minority thinks instead of how God started His church.
Speaking in tongues is a normal part of worship in the early church. It spreads the gospel without technology. It demonstrates the power of God.
Let us give God the credit, the glory, and honour by following Him and the Holy Spirit.
Let us s not make decisions out of the few that will mock and ridicule God’s power but let us allow the Holy Spirit to lead us because it is His Church.
Ps Ambrose