Acts 2:25 NKJV
“For David says concerning Him: ‘I foresaw the Lord always before my face, For He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken.”
Acts 2:25 NKJV
Peter spoke of the prophecy that was fulfilled in their midst. Now with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, they can stand right before the presence of God.
The presence of God which is in the most holy place can be experienced only once a year by one high priest now is made available to all who believe in Jesus.
Instead of the High priest going into God’s dwelling, Jesus as our high priest not only have entered once and for all but have made a way for Him to dwell IN US.
What a powerful people of God we have become through Jesus Christ our Lord. Now we don’t worship in the outer courts or in the holy place but we can now worship our Father in heaven face to face.
Therefore, we have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken and God through His Spirit empowers us as His powerful body to display His glory.
We have such great and precious promises, let us walk in them as empowered people of God to declare His goodness to the world.
Ps Ambrose