Matthew 15:33 NKJV
“Then His disciples said to Him, “Where could we get enough bread in the wilderness to fill such a great multitude?”
Matthew 15:33 NKJV
Jesus had compassion for the people and did not want them to go back on their long journey home with an empty stomach.
After being with Jesus for some time and having seen some miracles that he had performed, they should have such anticipation of what miracle will be next.
But the first response the disciples gave Jesus was not an excitement to see what Jesus was going to do next. Instead, they spoke as if Jesus had done nothing.
We have a powerful God, The Almighty living inside of us. How do we respond when there is a need that comes up before us?
Most of us will look at what we have or at our lack.
Jesus wants us to look at His abundance, His power, and His might.
Most of us don’t have hope to believe because our eyes are on the lack instead of on the abundance of God.
The disciples saw that there was no natural way to look for provision in a rural place and the number of people who needed feeding.
These are genuine and real issues that we cannot deny.
We too have real issues and circumstances that are real.
That is why we need the supernatural power of God to bring about something out of nothing.
God has empowered us as a church with His power to bring out something out of nothing to meet the needs of our families and our community.
The disciples asked where can they get the food when they saw the miraculous provision Jesus brought in.
Jesus is the provision, say no more where it will come from. All will come from believing and trusting in Jesus.
Just listen and do what He says and we will end up in the abundance God had prepared.
Let us acknowledge Jesus in every situation and trust in His finished work in our lives.
Ps Ambrose