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“But others fell on good ground, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold.” When He had said these things He cried, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!””

‭‭Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

At the end of this verse, Jesus cried out or called out saying he who has an ear, let him hear.

Jesus cried out that we should hear the revelation, the mysteries of His kingdom, and apply that to our lives.

The disciples realised Jesus meant more than just hearing on the surface level. They knew it was far deeper than that.

The ground here talks about us, and the condition of our hearts, mind, and emotions.

But we all know no one can be good in our own way, our own efforts and strength.

We are only good in Christ because He made us new, and good and empowered us with His Divine nature.

A ground can only be good according to God’s standard when it is cultivated according to His word which reflects Christ's finished work.

When we align ourselves according to what Jesus has done, we are aligning ourselves to be good ground.

If we allow the philosophies of this world, our own belief system, and mix them with God’s word, we are going to have a lot of weeds on our ground.

Every seed from God, His word, has the capacity to bring 100 percent returns but it is all dependent on the ground.

If we align ourselves with what Christ has done for us and live in that manner, we are bound to have a 100 fold blessings of God.

Concerning productivity and becoming fruitful, the issue is not the seed, the issue is the ground.

If we take care of the ground and make sure it is aligned with what Jesus Christ has laid and follow through with it, then we can see the full manifestation of His promises.

We can’t expect a good crop if we don’t want to cultivate the ground.

Therefore, we need to bring ourselves into alignment with what Christ has done and be the good ground by standing in Christ.


Ps Ambrose


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