John 3:10 NKJV
“Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?”
John 3:10 NKJV
When Nicodemus came at night to speak to Jesus, Jesus told Him that everything that is of God cannot be seen with our natural understanding.
Nicodemus as the teacher of the law knows about the birthright, the Messiah, and the new beginnings.
But he only can process all these things with his natural understanding.
Jesus said that one needs to be born again. One needs to see and understand in a new way with a new insight.
Believing in Jesus and being baptised in the Holy Spirit is the new birth to all believers.
And the life we live, we live in the spirit and not in our flesh.
Living life in the Spirit means to live the life that Christ Jesus has prepared.
This means we have to learn God’s word and know what Christ Jesus has done for us.
If we don’t learn what we have in the Spirit and what our supernatural lives look like, how can we live that life?
Therefore, it is important that once we are born again, we need to start learning about the new life we have received in Christ and undo the old life.
We cannot plant new seeds on the old vine. We need to pull out the old and then plant the new.
Just like a child totally trusts the parents and believes in everything they say, so must we trust God and believe everything that Gif has done for us.
Let us continue to see God’s word with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can see the supernatural plan and purposes of God for our lives.
Ps Ambrose