‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭24‬ ‭NKJV


“I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church,”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

A powerful passage in God’s Word that reveals the work Christ Jesus has left for His body, the church to complete it.

This does not mean that Jesus did not finish His work. It just means what Christ has completed and we as a church have to carry it out from generation to generation.

This means defending, admonishing, teaching, and encouraging what Jesus Christ has established for us.

This means each one of us has a duty to keep bringing people back to the foundation Jesus laid for us.

Paul says the sufferings he goes through for the sake of the gospel bring him joy.

It is not a burden for Paul but he counted it as a privilege to be suffering for this eternal purpose.

Each one of us is called by God to carry out this amazing opportunity to shine the truth about Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.

Each trial that we go through is another trophy to be added for the glory we will receive now and at the end of our journey here on this earth.

Paul is taking care of the church, looking into their doctrine, and encouraging all to grow in the love and grace of God.

We are living in the days where there are many lovers of themselves and they come up with doctrines that suit what they like, blinded by their own desires, lack of revelation, and pride.

We need to stand on the right foundation, believe all that Christ has established, and keep bringing people to Christ.

Let us count ourselves so blessed when we are persecuted for God’s kingdom and for His glory.


Ps Ambrose


‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV


‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭Luke‬ ‭3‬:‭14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬