I Corinthians 13:12 NKJV
For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
I Corinthians 13:12 NKJV
Paul is speaking about our progress in knowing God and making Him known. It is a journey we build our faith, from precept upon precept and line upon line.
All that Jesus has laid in our lives are foundations upon which our faith and trust in God are being built. We take what Jesus has done by faith and then we see that manifestation in our lives.
Sometimes what God's word says does not make sense at a time, but because we pursue to follow God's word then all becomes clear.
There are a lot of things Jesus has spoken and done for us to see and do yet there are many logical reasonings, desires and will that stand in the way for us to do what Jesus did.
There will be times when the dimly are no longer dim because we have seen the lights of that truth as we trust His word and it becomes part of our lives.
Jesus wants His word to become one in us. So that we can reflect to the world His love, His grace and His ways.
If we want to keep seeing the glory of God in the world today then we have to keep doing and living like Jesus in this world.
If we are faithful in following God and His word then we can be assured to see the evidence of it in our lives.
Ps Ambrose