Psalms 22:3 NKJV
But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.
Psalms 22:3 NKJV
God is holy and He is enthroned in the praises of His people. We say it and sing about it but are we really an instrument of God that gives Him praise?
God is not enthroned in the murmuring, in complaining and in excuses. He does not dwell on negative confessions and on bickering and hatred.
God is enthroned when the people of God reflect His goodness, reflect His mercy and reflect His love.
God is enthroned when we uplift His character, and His mercy and speak about how great our God is.
As the temple of God, we are called to declare His praises. Not declare our sufferings, our pain or our troubles. The answers and strength do not come from confessing and believing the storms we are in but in the One who promised to take us higher than the storms of life.
We can rise higher by focusing on God's greatness or we can go down to destruction by focusing on the storms in life.
Every place that God is enthroned is a place where we have officially given God the place to rule and reign.
Every place God is not enthroned is a place where we have held ourselves without God's intervention.
Is God enthroned in our lives? Are there praises of who He is flowing out of our lives?
It is time to change our minds, our thinking and our approach by praising God and giving Him complete Kingship over our lives.
Ps Ambrose