Romans 3:26 NKJV
to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Romans 3:26 NKJV
Everyone who has their faith anchored in Christ Jesus is presented as righteous before God right at this moment.
Jesus presents us righteous before the Father in heaven and shows Himself as the sacrifice and His wounds as His payment for sin.
To not believe in this truth is throwing away the only hope for mankind to be saved and to be set free.
Jesus demonstrated His righteousness in us by His Spirit and love. Today we can confidently believe and declare Jesus is Lord.
We can believe with such confidence in our salvation because of His character, His Identity and His great love towards us.
God our Father wants every soul to come into a relationship with Him because in Him we will find freedom, purpose and our destiny.
If we can take time to build our relationship with God then we will have time to enjoy His mighty blessing.
Move away from condemnation, cast off every pride and receive the grace of God in meekness.
Move away from everything that does not profit any good thing and use that time and energy to build ourselves in the Lord.
Let us live our life by faith in Jesus Christ. Anchoring our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ps. Ambrose