Hebrews 11:5 NKJV


By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

Hebrews 11:5 NKJV

Enoch was taken by the Lord because he pleased God. In this chapter of faith, it is obvious to conclude that Enoch had absolute faith in God.

This absolute faith that Enoch had pleased God to an extent that Enoch was transferred not into another place on earth like Philip in the new testament but straight to heaven.

This shows that faith in God and in His word is above the law of this world. It is above the power of death.

Faith pleases God because it is a demonstration of our trust in God above what we can smell, touch, hear, taste and see.

It is a demonstration of our choices to choose God and His ways above every earthly offering and pleasure.

Faith in God opens up possibilities that no eyes have seen, no ears have heard, the things that God would do for us.

This promise and this dimension of living are not just for the elite or leaders but for all who believe in Him.

The possibilities of our family, city, country and world being saved and transformed are based on our faith in God.

Therefore stop complaining why things are not happening and stop being concerned about the reasons but start living by faith in all that God has spoken CONSISTENTLY.

The worst way to live is being in constant switching between faith and reality from time to time. This destroys the image of who God is and His faithfulness to His word.

Let us put our faith CONSISTENTLY in God in all times and all circumstances.


Ps Ambrose


Romans 3:26 NKJV


I Samuel 17:37 NKJV