I Samuel 17:37 NKJV


Moreover David said, “The Lord , who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”

I Samuel 17:37 NKJV

David is famous for bringing down the mighty Goliath that paralysed the entire nation with fear. Goliath mocked God's people and challenged them but no trained soldier was brave to stand against Goliath.

David was not a fresh graduate or a new recruit to the army of the Lord. All the soldiers who were trained were under the watch of their commanders but David trained himself to face the lion and the bear privately when no one was watching.

David was committed to protect all that was given to him by his father with his life. He was faithful when no one was watching.

He was honest when there was no one for him to prove to. David was living in God when no one was watching.

What was won privately was brought to light publicly by God. Every victory David had privately was manifested openly before the whole nation.

What and how we win our battles privately matters. It will shape our character to glorify God for the right reason.

David brought down Goliath not for him to be mighty or to show the world how powerful and righteous he was. David brought down Goliath because Goliath was mocking the living God.

Are we disciplined to be faithful, dedicated, honest and faithful when no one is watching us?

If we can win the battles in the secret when no one is watching, then we can be prepared to bring down Goliaths in the world today by faith in Jesus.

Be faithful in the small things God has blessed us then He will lead us to be faithful to greater things for His kingdom.


Ps. Ambrose


Hebrews 11:5 NKJV


Genesis 3:6 NKJV