Psalms 27:1 NKJV
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalms 27:1 NKJV
The absence of God and His word gives room to fear. Fear is a guest that we have invited because we have not acknowledged God in the house.
When we spend time talking to God who is in the house, we acknowledged Him, His word and His counsel. This means we have no time to invite fear nor listen to what fear has to say.
Fear cannot come in if we are occupied with God and His word. Therefore, our life will be full of light that fear who is darkness has no way in.
When we engage ourselves in God, we will see His power, His wisdom, His domain, His authority, His plans, His purpose in and through our lives.
This will make us so bold and confident of who God is in our life. Then we can say whom shall I fear?
In the same measure, if we continue to see ourselves operating in the strength of the Lord then there is nothing we shall be afraid of?
This is not just about quoting a scripture verse to counterattack. It is about knowing God and staying in that knowledge, position and walking in God's way.
Every word of God is to be lived in our lives in order to see it manifest in our lives.
Acknowledge God in the house. Know who He is and enjoy the blessings that He brings out in each one of us.
Ps Ambrose