Joel 3:18 NKJV
And it will come to pass in that day That the mountains shall drip with new wine, The hills shall flow with milk, And all the brooks of Judah shall be flooded with water; A fountain shall flow from the house of the Lord and water the Valley of Acacias.
Joel 3:18 NKJV
There are different seasons that we go through in life. Each one of them has its own character, atmosphere and challenges.
There are different situations and circumstances that we face that require wisdom and knowledge to make the right choices.
God's promise for us is that in every season of our lives, we can expect to see the wine flowing when it seems like there is no fruit.
We see the blessings of the Lord when every storehouse is empty, drink freely when the well is dry and hope in the Lord when every hope is gone.
Therefore, in every season we go through in life, God's provision is always present. All we need to do is to make the right choice that leads to God's treasure.
There is something God won't do for us and that is to choose on our behalf. God will encourage, show and give faith for it but will not choose for us.
This is the reason why many fail and many succeed in the same challenges they face. One looks to God and choose to follow God's promises and the others are drowned in their sorrows, pain and storm.
We are living in the day of the Lord, to rejoice and be glad in it by looking at the plans and purposes of God for our lives.
We need to use our freedom of choice wisely. The wisest choice to make is to choose God who is above all wisdom and knowledge of the world put together.
Let us keep our eyes on God and His kingdom no matter what season we go through in life.
Ps Ambrose