Ephesians 4:23 NKJV
and be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
Ephesians 4:23 NKJV
The word of God teaches us that we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. Every old habit formation of thoughts and culture comes out of who we are in the spirit.
If our spirit is changed then our life will be changed. That is what Jesus has done for us. That through Him we died in the old and were raised in the new in His spirit.
God's Spirit in us carries a new culture, thoughts, habits and desires of God. When God comes to live in us, He comes with His fullness.
Now it is up to us to activate His fullness that is in us. What God has deposited in us only can be withdrawn by us to be shared across the world.
The first step to activate and let what is deposited in the inside to flow out is renewing our mind to what has been deposited by Jesus Christ.
What we have received in the spirit needs to reform our mind. It means to restructure our life with the new culture, habits, desires, passion and love according to what we have received in Jesus.
We need to tear down the old life, old treasures, old sentiments, old memories of hurt and pain and rebuild it with what we have all received in Jesus.
We need to redo our foundation by placing Jesus's finished work, building walls of faith in the authority and power of Jesus and roofing up our shelter with the promises of God.
Then when the world sees us, they will see the goodness of God and glorify His Name.
We don't pray and ask God to do it, we have to do it because we are the ones who have been authorised to draw out what God has deposited.
Freedom of choice is the biggest responsibility God gave mankind. All of His glory and power to work depends on the choice that we are going to make.
If we believe in Him and the new life God has placed in us, then we will see the kingdom of God manifest in and through our lives.
Ps Ambrose