Psalms 110:1 NKJV
“The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.””
Psalms 110:1 NKJV
We have received what David longed for through Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus defeated satan and all of His enemies. Jesus put the enemy under our feet.
Today we have been raised to sit together with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
God raised us up in Him to be seated with Him so that we can rule and reign with Him.
Every enemy that will come our way will be used by God as our footstool.
God had designed enemies as our footstool so that we can use to stand up higher in Him.
Every test that comes our way will only make us stronger and wiser each day.
The more we learn to sit in alignment with what Jesus has done for us, the greater our knowledge becomes of who we are in Him.
We don’t look at the enemy as something we need to battle through but see the enemy as a footstool to rise higher in God.
The key is not to aim to rise higher in life but learning to sit with what Jesus has accomplished for us.
This is such a powerful truth that will liberate and strengthen us to face our enemies.
When we sit with Jesus in the heavenly places, all our enemies come under our feet. For that is the place God created for our enemies.
There is nothing that can stand against those who are sitting right with God in Christ Jesus.
With this in mind, let us continue to stand strong in alignment with Christ and see ourselves produce fruits that will last.
Ps Ambrose