Colossians 3:3 AMP


For you died [to this world], and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3 AMP

The moment we give our life to Jesus, we died to this world. This means all those things that have the power to hold us in bondage has no more power over us. The world's system operates under the law of sin and death. People can't get enough nor can they be satisfied and have pride and selfishness. These powers can no longer hold us in bondage because the moment we received Jesus, death has lost its power over us. But if we think we are in bondage and satan can override the power Christ has given, then we have given satan the permission to put us back into bondage. We must understand that we have made a transition from the old life to a new life in Christ. Therefore, we are not supposed to manage life or do things from an old life's perspective. We are supposed to put off the old thinking, speaking, believing and start walking in the new life in Christ. We need to address every situation as a new creation in Christ. Thinking like a child of God, believing as all things are possible in Christ and walking the supernatural life as our natural life. Our life is hidden in Christ and this means that whatever Christ has, Christ feels, the knowledge of the kingdom of God, we too can experience it and live life as if Christ is here now on earth. The enemy has to go through Christ to get to us His children. But we must be careful not to open the door for the enemy to come in. Let us live our life in Christ. Embracing all that Christ has set for us in His power, authority and above all in His divine love. Blessings Ambrose Francis


Acts 22:8 NKJV


Acts 18:26 NKJV