James 2:13 NKJV


For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. James 2:13 NKJV

James was addressing the believers and leaders of the church about being judgmental and showing partiality to the poor. This kind of behaviour should not be in any believer in Christ. Christ died for us because mercy triumphed over judgment. If God chose to show mercy to us instead of what we deserve, how much more we who are forgiven much should show more mercy to one another. Mercy is God's unconditional love reaching out to us because we cannot and will never be able to do it on our own to have forgiveness and salvation. We must not look down on people when God has set them to be the heir of the kingdom of God. The broken and the rejected are the ones who need attention to be healed and restored. If there is someone we look out for, it is those who are hurting, broken and in real need of help. We were once in that place and by the grace of God and His mercy, we are today blessed in Him. We are a blessing to one another. When we feel like judging others, let the mercy of God that is in us rise above and triumph over judgment. We are all called to triumph over judgment because God has given us that power to do so. Let us look through the eyes and heart that have looked upon us and be that mercy to one another. Blessings Ambrose Francis


II John 1:9 NKJV


Acts 4:18 NKJV