Acts 10:15 NKJV
And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” Acts 10:15 NKJV
God was preparing Simon Peter to do something against his culture. Peter is about to meet a centurion who is a Gentile which has no association with the Jews. Peter began to have a vision of unclean animals and God told him to kill and eat. Peter said, " I cannot touch what is unclean." Peter was right in saying that but Peter missed the point that He was talking to God who is the One who made the Law. What sanctifies is not the law but the One who is the Giver of the law. When God speaks, it sanctifies everything. Without realising it, Peter was bringing the law above God's word. How do we judge that is God speaking and not our own imagination? Everything from God is not selfish and it is always for the benefit of the people. It is important to realise that the first Gentiles were saved because Peter took the step of faith and did what was against his customs and against the law about food. Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. That was against the custom of the Jews. Peter saw that and could have learned that he has to look beyond the surface of the law and see a deeper purpose, which is to save and restore mankind. When God shows us by the power of the Holy Spirit, by vision, a thought or a word, we must follow and carry that out even though it may go against our culture of beliefs. When God says it, it cleanses every uncleanness and makes everything pure and beautiful. Let us carry out God's instruction with joy and love for one another. Blessings Ambrose Francis