I Corinthians 7:24 NKJV


Brethren, let each one remain with God in that state in which he was called. I Corinthians 7:24 NKJV

The principle of serving the Lord is not about getting promoted or to be recognized but to keep the first love burning for the Lord. Everything that we do to serve in the kingdom, we do it unto the Lord. All we do should spring forth because we love Him and our minds are not set on anything else. The way of the world is we do our best to be promoted. The way of God is we do our best because we love God. When we serve God like this, we will not be looking at who gets a better job or position. We will not be counting who does more hours or fewer hours. Instead, we will stir one another to be better at everything we do so that together we may give our best to the Lord whom we love. The day that we decided to serve the Lord, our hearts will be so filled with joy and love for God. At this point, positions or promotions mean nothing to us. God wants us to come back to that place to serve Him because we love Him. When positions do not matter anymore, finances do not affect our love and work towards the Lord. In the kingdom of God, we don't serve God because of prospect, financial security or anything that we can gain. We serve God because we love Him. Today we as a church have adopted business plans into the church and have eliminated faith, learning to trust God and so on. We need to get back to the basics and get back to the first love to serve the Lord. Reminding ourselves every day that we are serving today because we love God and want to be a living sacrifice. Let us get back to the basics by standing, trusting and relying totally on God, doing everything because we love Him. Blessings Ambrose Francis


Philippians 4:12 NKJV


Amos 5:15 NLT