2 Timothy 3:7 AMP


always learning and listening to anybody who will teach them, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy 3:7 AMP

In these last days, we have allowed many teachings, views and knowledge that is not according to the gospel of Christ into the church. These scriptures were talking about some weak woman who takes in all kinds of teaching submitting to all kinds of leadership and have no godly changes in her life. This is so true today that we sometimes run around wanting the latest truth when the old one Jesus has spoken we have not put into practice. There is a false culture of hunger in the church. They hunger for the new move of God only to be observing and not to take part. Though they say they want to be a part but there is no action and consistency in it. These group of people love new things. That is not wrong because God is doing a new thing before us. But we are not actively involved in the new thing that God is doing. The main point in this text is that they cannot come to a place of making the decision to change their lives. Just like Jesus said that they hear and hear but never hear, see but can't see. First, we need to re-look at what we have received from God and start putting back those things into practice. We practice by praying in the spirit and meditating on what God has given. Look for an opportunity to exercise those things we have received. When we can come to the knowledge of the truth then that truth that we have received will set us free, we must be careful not to fall into just knowing without doing what God had revealed to us. Jesus saw what the Father did and He did it. Jesus did not see the Father do and pray about it, or wait for confirmation or approval from men. Jesus just did it. Let us begin to do what we have seen Jesus did through His word. Jesus revealed the Father to us so that we can know what our heavenly Father is doing. Blessings Ambrose Francis


Acts 21:13 NKJV


Proverbs 3:7 AMP