Proverbs 3:7 AMP


Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord [with reverent awe and obedience] and turn [entirely] away from evil. Proverbs 3:7 AMP

A call to trust in the Lord completely and not on our own understanding, a call to acknowledge God and His ways in all our conduct every day. It is a wise decision when we don't make decisions out of what we see. The image on the surface may not give us the right information. How then we should decide, and what would be the guideline of what is good and bad? God and His word will enlighten us to make the right decision in life. Proverbs teaches us to have a lifestyle of reverence towards God, being captivated in awe of who He is and His ways. This then would give us a clear picture and help us to make good decisions in life. When we are full of light, standing in the brightness of God's truth and in God's Spirit, every bit of lies and deceit would be revealed or exposed. Being and living in Christ exposes every work of satan. Therefore, we can see the real deal behind every decision we are about to make. When we rely on the one who made us and created everything in the world, the chances of missing the mark is very slim. God has made a far superior way for us to live, far greater way to see and do. It is through Christ, Our Lord. When we choose to acknowledge God, choose to obey and completely rely on Him, it would mean we have completely turned away from evil works. The key to turning away from evil is not by doing our best not to do evil things which are usually taught. But the real key to turning away from evil is to turn our focus to God, knowing Him, adore Him and obeying Him. Time spent on the right things gives good returns and the one who uses it wisely will reap the reward of it. Spend time knowing and obeying God will produce impossible results, gain far above than men's wisdom and the blessing of God's abundance. Blessings Ambrose Francis


2 Timothy 3:7 AMP


I Corinthians 15:56 NKJV