II Corinthians 4:10 NKJV
“always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.”
II Corinthians 4:10 NKJV
Paul taught the believers to always carry in their bodies the dying of Jesus.
The death Jesus died is for our sake. Therefore, the death of Christ means the end of being in bondage, the end of the curse and the end of the control of satan.
Always remembering His death means to remember that our penalty of sin has been paid in full.
No one can hold us in condemnation anymore because Christ has freed us from being condemned.
This is the reason why we should live by the power of Christ and manifest His glorious power.
Christ's death on the cross is not for us to mourn but to celebrate new life every day.
As a new creation of God, we are called to live boldly in the triumphant victory of Christ.
Today we can decide to live in the resurrection power of Christ.
Paul wanted to see the people of God change from glory to glory so that we will shine in the glory of God.
Let us rise up in the power of His resurrection.
Ps Ambrose