Galatians 2:2 NKJV
“And I went up by revelation, and communicated to them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to those who were of reputation, lest by any means I might run, or had run, in vain.”
Galatians 2:2 NKJV
Paul was a focused man. He was serving the Lord under the law and did his best in what he was taught to him by his teachers.
But when Paul had a revelation, he encountered the Lord Himself and his direction changed.
When he started seeking the truth through Christ's death and resurrection, he began to see God’s true plan of salvation.
Paul saw two main things, one is that Christ’s death on the cross is the only work that can forgive the sins of all mankind.
Second is that the works of the law can never make anyone righteous and cannot remove the sin consciousness.
Paul was led to speak to the apostles and leaders of this truth because the enemy wants to bring in the works of the law plus Christ.
Christ is the all-sufficient One, and there is no plus to add on. Jesus Christ is everything and everything came out of Him.
We, too, need to hold on to this revelation that Christ is our sufficiency and in Him we will live.
We need to continue to hold on to the true gospel that Jesus gave to the church.
If we fail to keep checking on the foundation and keep directing our steps according to the truth that Jesus laid, we will find ourselves drifting away from the truth.
Many have drifted away with good intentions.
Many have become cold because there is no truth for the resurrection power of Christ to lift them up.
We need everyone to join hands to hold on to what Christ has brought to us, teach it, preach it and demonstrate it in and through our lives.
Ps Ambrose