Genesis 3:9 NKJV


Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?”

Genesis 3:9 NKJV

This is how God reacted towards a man who has sinned against Him and disobeyed Him. Nothing changed from God's side.

God was in the garden as usual and looking for fellowship with men as usual but men were not there, as usual, to fellowship with God.

For too long we have a concept that God is the one who punishes us because of sin and our disobedience.

While the truth clearly shows it is men who punishes himself by staying away and hiding from God. It was men who choose not to fellowship with God.

God did not separate Himself from men. It is men who separated themselves from God.

In today's world, God literally gets the blame for every mess mankind makes. We are not taking responsibility for our own action.

All these would have ended for Adam and Eve if they had taken responsibility and said yes it is my fault. But instead, they did what the world did. Adam blames God saying "It is the woman You gave me."

The problems that we get into comes from walking away from God, away from His ways and away from His word.

God is faithful. He never left and never will but we can leave Him and do our own things.

The punishment we get is what we have chosen just like the Israelites chose Barabbas over Jesus and said let His blood be on us and on our children.

It is time for us to take responsibility for our action and stop blaming God for everything that happens in our lives.

God is more than able and more than willing to deliver us from every situation and circumstances.

The enemy wants us to feel that God is against us and He is the one who is punishing us.

God is love. Even when Adam and Eve did not take responsibility, God still loved them and talked to them and their children.

God did not stop loving and did not stop blessing His children. Therefore, let us come to Him with our hearts, minds and be blessed by His love.


Ambrose Francis


Revelation 2:4 NKJV


Acts 20:30 NKJV