Acts 20:30 NKJV


Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Acts 20:30 NKJV

Paul spoke these things to the elders of the church to be alert from being deceived from the truth. The message of Christ will lead people to live in the abundance of God and will lead people to Christ and not to themselves. Paul was saying that this is going to be among the leaders in the church. Leaders who would rather stay in their flesh rather staying in the spirit. This happened in Paul's ministry and among his leaders. They drew people away from the spirit to walk in the flesh. Perverse things here is anything that will draw away people's attention from God and His truth to base them on the flesh. The message of the Gospel cannot be altered by our circumstances. It is meant to alter our circumstances. The kingdom of God is not about controlling people or do what we like and hear what we want to hear. The kingdom of God is about freeing people from bondage, getting the people to know their righteousness is in Christ, their peace is in Christ and their Joy is in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is very important that we take responsibility to nurture ourselves in Christ with the truth and not just take in everything that is out there. God's Spirit is in us to enlighten and to reveal more of Jesus, to cause us to walk in the supernatural power and life in Christ. Jesus took away every barrier between us and God. Therefore, we must not let any barrier come in between God and us. Let us keep our eyes, mind and heart on Christ and continue to grow in the power of His resurrection. Blessings Ambrose Francis


Genesis 3:9 NKJV


I Corinthians 1:25 NKJV