I Corinthians 1:25 NKJV


Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. I Corinthians 1:25 NKJV

Paul is talking about the message of Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection that is far wiser than the wisdom of men and far stronger than the strength of men. This gospel of Christ seems to be too good to be true. It's a free gift that cancels all the curse and releases all who were snatched in darkness into His marvellous light, forgives all the past, present and future sins. This is something that man could never achieve no matter how good, great or excellent their work may be. When we look through God's eyes and how God loves us, then all these will make sense. The message of the gospel is for all but only those who desire it and want it can receive this free gift of life from God. It is free but it cost God everything. It cost Him His only Son, Jesus Christ to be sacrificed as a ransom for all the sins of man and to destroy death. It takes faith to see and understand what has happened in creation with the first Adam who lost the life and how Christ Jesus as a second Adam came to give life. The world and its system may think the ways of the Lord is weak and poor but it has been proven that the only system that has worked and has a lasting impact is God's ways. The gospel of Christ does not fix things on the surface. It fixes things in the spirit, in our soul and our body. Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, He is the power and love that every single soul in the world needs. There are many religions, many ways but not one of them can pay or replace what Christ has done for the world. For us as believers this is wise, this is wisdom, this is knowledge, this is the life that every soul longs for. Our findings to fill the longing and emptiness in our hearts never stops until we find Christ as our Lord. The soul who finds Christ finds the true pleasure, true richness, joy, love and peace. Blessings Ambrose Francis


Acts 20:30 NKJV


Romans 8:15 NKJV