Romans 8:27 AMP
And He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because the Spirit intercedes [before God] on behalf of God’s people in accordance with God’s will. Romans 8:27 AMP
As believers, we are blessed with the greatest gift of all, God the Holy Spirit living in us. God comes and dwells in those who would welcome Him into their lives. The Holy Spirit flows like the river from within us, expressing all desires toward God, which are often more than words can ever utter. The Holy Spirit within us prays from the vastness of the greatest knowledge, greatest wisdom, greatest power and greatest love of God. Therefore, every believer has the ability in the Spirit to pray perfect prayers according to the perfect will of God which will produces perfect results. This makes every believer that is filled with the Holy Spirit a power house of God here on earth. God who formed the universe is living in us and He praying through His willing body to bring about His plans and purpose. God has blessed us with this awesome and amazing blessings because it is desperately needed to heal the broken world. God chose us believers and blessed us so that we would bless others by praying, casting out evil spirits, healing the sick, setting the oppressed and captives free. So that every plans, lies and deceits of satan will be exposed and render them powerless without effect by our prayers. Effective prayer is not eloquence of words, sounds or stillness. It is when we allow the One who knows everything and has the power over everything to pray through us. This verse tells us that God is needing a vessel that would allow Him to pray and speak through. Someone who would be willing to partner with Him to bring about His desires. Notice that God and us are working together bringing heaven into every situation. There is no enemy to fight to get through God like the old covenant. In the Old covenant our prayers has to pass through some battles to get to God God eliminated that realm that separated mankind from God and instead our prayers going up, God came down and partner with mankind to establish His plans. Therefore, it is most important that the believer in Christ needs to be baptised in the Holy Spirit so that the perfect prayer can flow according to the perfect plan through us. If we are not baptized in His Spirit it time now. God is Spirit, therefore, wherever we are, we can ask God the Holy Spirit to baptise us. And by faith flowing in the spirit and praying in the Holy Spirit ( praying in tongues) as the Holy Spirit gives utterances. This is a beautiful symphony of worship and prayer that flows from God. We are so privilege to experience this Blessings. Let us flow in the Holy Spirit all the days of our lives. Blessing Ps Ambrose Francis