2 Corinthians 1:5 AMP
For just as Christ’s sufferings are ours in abundance [as they overflow to His followers], so also our comfort [our reassurance, our encouragement, our consolation] is abundant through Christ [it is truly more than enough to endure what we must]. 2 Corinthians 1:5 AMP
The sufferings for Christ here is talking about enduring the cause for Christ, standing firm for the gospel through persecutions, trials, rejections and being judged. Sufferings here are not speaking about physical sickness or paying the penalty of sins. Jesus has paid for it all concerning sins and sickness. The sufferings here are swallowed up when we are living in God's glory and grace. The comfort, reassurance, our encouragement, our consolation is abundant through Christ. In other words, no matter how hard things seem to be, the abundance of God is far greater, far superior and will consume every hardship in Christ. Setting our mind in the abundance of Christ will cause us to flourish to greater heights and it will cause us to be stronger and bolder as God's resources never end. The more we focus on Christ, the larger our vision gets and the more we discover about our inheritance. The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. This is what we need to guard against. Never let the enemy come in to steal our inheritance. How do we guard it? By being alert of our identity in Christ and our inheritance which is sealed by His blood. We guard it by fixing our eyes on the abundance of who God is for us rather than who is against us. The enemy wants us to take our eyes and focus away from the abundance so that he can trick us into his plans to take what is ours in Christ. We have more than enough in Christ. His river is constant, His grace is constant, His power is constant and all we need to do is to constantly remain in Him. Blessings Ps Ambrose Francis