Genesis 6:8 NKJV
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Genesis 6:8 NKJV
To be called out by God as one who has found favour/grace, in the midst of an evil and perverse generation is far above amazing.
What made Noah the only one to be found favour or grace in God's sight while Noah was not a perfect man. He was a sinner too.
So what made God so pleased with Noah as compared to the rest of people on the face of the earth?
What was God looking for on the earth that would please Him?
We know that it is impossible to please God without faith.
Faith in Him would please Him.
Faith in God makes people righteous and not their religious works or good conduct.
Faith is to stand right before God first.
Noah is not a perfect man who is without sin but he is definitely a man who has faith in God. He has to have total faith in God to build a massive ark in the middle of nowhere.
He has to have faith in God to do something that no human being has ever done. Some said the ark was built over a period of over 55 to 75 years.
That is an enduring faith in God to build something ridiculously big and devoting his life to building it.
It is no doubt that Noah's faith in God is what pleases God. This is a powerful real-life illustration of how important it is to live life trusting and having faith in God. To be God-conscious rather than sin conscious.
We live in a generation that wants God out of the picture and some made their own god.
Let us have faith in God so that the godly atmosphere and His kingdom be established here on earth.
Ambrose Francis