John 4:34 NKJV


Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.

John 4:34 NKJV

Jesus was at the well reaching out to a woman who was lost, broken, rejected and empty. Jesus was speaking life and truth to her.

When the disciples came back with the food, Jesus said that He has food to eat which they do not know.

Jesus is speaking of the hunger in Him which can only be satisfied by the salvation and restoration of mankind to His image and likeness.

In this verse, Jesus explained that His food is to do the will of His Father who sent Him and to finish His work.

This is the spiritual food that every believer needs to be filled with. But if there is no hunger for it, we would not be bothered to be filled by it.

The Bible says as who Jesus is, so are we. What Christ hungered for should be the hunger in every believer. It is to hunger for souls.

Are we praying for souls to be saved?

Are we looking for souls to talk to about Jesus?

Or are we always thinking that it is somebody else's job and not ours?

All the authority and power that is given to us by Christ Jesus is for a purpose. That purpose is ultimately for souls to be saved by sharing Jesus Christ our Lord.

We all have a part to play. It's not the duty of an evangelist to win the lost.

The main role of an evangelist is to equip the saints, that is all of us, to reach out to win the lost for Christ Jesus.

We cannot live a day without food because we will go hungry. We search, make and pay for the food we need to eat. We work for it against all odds to get our daily food. That is the way Jesus is describing how the hunger for lost souls should be for all of us. A hunger to win souls for the kingdom.

Let us start by praying for souls to be saved, look for windows of opportunity, be bold to share Jesus and give them the invitation to receive Jesus into their lives.


Ambrose Francis


2 Corinthians 12:10 AMP


Genesis 6:8 NKJV