Mark 16:18 NKJV


they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Mark 16:18 NKJV

We are living in challenging times in the world. The virus, sickness and climate change are causing fear to creep into people including the believers.

The enemy loves to get our attention to be on what he is doing so that he can plant seeds of fear in our hearts and minds.

God is not taken by surprise with what is happening in the world and neither should we who believe in Him. God has given us His word that speaks of the things to come.

What we as a believer needs to do is to keep believing and renewing our mind on what God has done for us.

We are not supposed to be worried and upset about the system of the world. We are to believe, call forth and pray for God's kingdom here on earth.

The truth is when the righteous rise up to stand for the truth, then everything will start to change for good.

If we can believe and stand for the truth then the world's system will start to change to the heavenly system.

We are not to fear what is happening but to believe God that nothing can harm us.

Whatever poison they are going to put into us will not affect us. Reason is GOD SAID SO. All the promises of God will only take effect when we believe completely what God has said.

God has made us all healers in His Name. We are to lay our hands on patients and heal them in the Name of Jesus.

If we are forced to take in something harmful, just believe that the greater One lives in us will eliminate that poison out of our system.

Jesus said He has overcome the world. These things do not shake God neither should it shake us who believe in Him.

God's word says nothing can harm us, therefore let us stand strong in God's promises, go through every test that comes our way and exercise our trust and faith in Christ Jesus.


Ambrose Francis


Mark 15:10 NKJV


II Corinthians 8:2 NKJV