1 Corinthians 10:14 AMP
Therefore, my beloved, run [keep far, far away] from [any sort of] idolatry [and that includes loving anything more than God, or participating in anything that leads to sin and enslaves the soul].
1 Corinthians 10:14 AMP
The meaning of idolatry in a package is having other gods. To unpack the meaning of idolatry is to look through anything that is not according to His image and likeness.
God spoke the word and brought every living thing into existence. God governs them with His system, His power and His wisdom.
Anything that we do or want to do that is outside of Him is idolatry. If we are not for God and His word, then we are against Him. There is no middle ground and anything that is in the middle or against God is idolatry.
Paul is giving examples that exist in the children of Israel in the wilderness. They were worshipping idols from time to time before they built the golden calf.
The golden calf is the result of worshipping idols through their negative thinking, complaining, murmuring, refusing the glory of God which is over their head and right before their eyes.
God was showing them His goodness, His power and His might yet the Israelites kept speaking about the might of Pharaoh, the desert, the lack and hopelessness.
The Israelites did amidst the abundance of God and in His power. The problem was their hearts and minds were gripped with the past and power of bondage instead of being gripped by the future that God is leading them to.
We need to constantly follow God and His word. Keep looking and seeing through the Spirit and the abundance of His love and power.
The most dangerous thing that is out there in the world is not disease, stress or the evil system.
Let us keep learning, seeking and daily putting into practise all that God shows us.
Ps Ambrose