John 14:9 NKJV
“Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”
John 14:9 NKJV
Philip wanted to know our Heavenly Father, he could not understand that Jesus is the Father manifested in the Son and the Son in the Father.
This is the same with God the Holy Spirit, God the Son and God the Father.
God manifested Himself in three different ways to make Himself known to mankind.
Jesus already spoke to Philip and to His disciples that if they have seen Him, they have seen the Father.
But because Philip only saw Jesus as a person just like everyone else, he did not understand that Jesus is the Father.
This means God did not send someone else who took the form of a man to die for all mankind.
This means God loved mankind so much He would come down in a human flesh as a Son of God and die for all mankind.
God who manifested to us in three ways is One. When we have Jesus, we have God in us.
We must not see Jesus in a natural way, we must not read the word with our carnal understanding that depends on our five senses but to see the word of God as a spirit being.
We are a born again child of the living God who identifies with Jesus and not with self.
Let us see Jesus in His true person, God in man so that we who are man can be in God.
Jesus as a spirit-filled man is no longer just a man but a God man who had all of God in Him.
Today as born again believers in Christ Jesus, we too are not just a man or a woman but a God woman or a God man in Christ Jesus.
We all are a man and woman of God who operate in God’s power, in God’s truth and in His love. Let us look unto Jesus, the author of our lives.
Ps Ambrose