Matthew 7:1 NKJV
“Judge not, that you be not judged.
Matthew 7:1 NKJV
We all go through a different process in life to become Christ-like in every area of our lives and we need to judge what is right and wrong.
This verse is talking about condemning a person to no good. Cutting off the opportunity for them to receive mercy and grace.
Some are closer to Christ-like than others.
Some have overcome their bad habits faster than others but without the grace of God, we are all dead and fall short of the glory of God.
We reach perfection when we breathe our last breath here on earth and start our first day in heaven.
Until then we are all in the progress of working our soul and body to be aligned with what Christ has done for us in the spirit.
It does not matter whether we are just 5 meters away from reaching the finishing line or 5000 meters, we all need the same grace and mercy of God till the end.
To judge others who are slow in progress is judging self because we all need the grace of God to move forward.
The greatest motivation we receive to move forward in life is the knowledge of God's grace and mercy towards us. That He is always ready to pick us up from the pit we fall every now and then.
To judge others is to rob that grace and mercy from them, which is the only hope they have.
Jesus is the only one that is qualified to judge us because He is the only One who paid for our sins.
To grow, we need to extend grace by not judging them. Instead, helping them with the same grace that has helped us.
Let us be gracious with each other the same way God has graced us.
Ps Ambrose