James 1:8 NKJV


he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

James 1:8 NKJV

James is highlighting the facts about God is different from everything and everyone else. There are many wisdom we can choose from and much knowledge that is laid out to decide.

But with God, there is no comparison, no match because He is the absolute answer to all. If we don't approach God in this manner, then we are double-minded in our ways.

Are we setting plan B just in case God's plan does not take place?

Are we casting lots to follow God's way?

Are we seeking other forces other than God?

Unstable conditions happen when we do not trust God completely and we are exposed to a widespread of chances.

To trust God completely will produce a strong character of trust, faithfulness and great persistence in us.

It helps us to be built up in faith no matter what the conditions may be.

No one likes to be around people who are double-minded and always changing their mind.

God wants us to be single-minded in Him.

God wants our hearts and minds committed and fixed in all that He has accomplished for us.

We must hold on to all that God has spoken and never be shaken or be given to any other shortcuts.

God is faithful and He will do what He says. Therefore we have to be faithful to keep His word, walk in His power and live in His love.

Let us reflect on the glory of God, holding on to Him and with a single mind, let us be determined to fix all of us in Him and in Him alone till the end.


Ps Ambrose


Matthew 7:1 NKJV


I Peter 2:8 NKJV