Proverbs 11:25 NKJV


The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.

Proverbs 11:25 NKJV

Bless each other with our limited resources, finances and time. Help each other with love, care, compassion, grace and mercy.

God who is the greatest Giver of all will bless us in return with His unlimited resources from His bottomless abundance over our lives.

We cannot outgive God.

Being generous with good things, good words, good resources and with what is in our hands to bless others and open up the river of God's abundance to be poured into us.

To bless and to give is God's nature. When we give and bless each other, we become partakers of His divine nature.

Living a generous life is living a life reflecting Christ here on earth. In a 'give me all I want and take all that I can' world today, a little kindness will impact and change lives.

To break greed and selfishness is not just praying for that to happen but to start sharing, giving and blessing each other.

Water speaks about life. When we give and help someone live better and encourage someone to do better in life, it is like giving life to that person.

Our little help today will encourage them to see a better tomorrow with a glimpse of hope.

To live a generous life is so great as it blesses our souls from the inside out. It heals, restores and uplifts everything in the person's life.

Let us reflect Christ by being generous with the little we have in our hands and it will be multiplied in God's hand.


Ps Ambrose


Matthew 22:39 NKJV


Matthew 7:1 NKJV