Ephesians 1:6 AMP


to the praise of His glorious grace and favor, which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved [His Son, Jesus Christ]. Ephesians 1:6 AMP

The book of Ephesians is a revelation message of God's grace to mankind. Paul teaches the truth to the believers with his own life experiences. God is glorified when His children receive His grace. Our life reflects God's kindness, mercy and love. It gives hope to the hopeless and a way out when everything else fails. This gives God, who is our heavenly Father, great pleasure seeing His own children live by His love and grace. The word bestowed clearly shows us that we have already received the grace of God. It is ours, a gift from our heavenly Father. The grace of God tells us that we have a new place, a new identity and a new life in Christ. Our praises to the Lord should encompass all of these blessings that our Father has bestowed on us. It's important that we should remind ourselves about what we have received from the Lord. The enemy is looking for ways to take our attention and focus from the grace of God and direct them to our own works. The enemy knows when we stand in the grace of God and live in them, satan has no chance but remain defeated. Only Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, destroyed the works of satan and its influence over mankind, therefore only in Him, we can experience this liberty. That is grace. We must be aware not to fall into justification by works but by the love and grace of God. We don't work to get salvation from God but we work out our salvation which we have received by grace. We work out the grace of God by living in them and stepping out in them by faith. Let us bring praises to the Lord by living out the grace we have received in Christ Jesus. Blessings


Colossians 1:9 NKJV


Acts 12:5 AMP