Galatians 4:5 AMP
“so that He might redeem and liberate those who were under the Law, that we [who believe] might be adopted as sons [as God’s children with all rights as fully grown members of a family].” Galatians 4:5 AMP
The main purpose Jesus was sent into the world is to redeem mankind back to the image of God and in His likeness. The relationship between God the Father and us as sons need to be completely restored. The highest call of God for every person is to be a child of the living God because as a child, we inherit all that our Father has. The identity and the influence of the children of God are to rule and reign with God on this earth. The identity of the children of the world is to be ruled by the earth and under the world’s influence. We have been redeemed to sonship and inherit all that is part of the kingdom of God. It’s not something we have to work for but something we need to believe and to receive. These God-given rights are given to all at the same level for all to function but the manifestation of it depends on how much we work out what we have received. We all have the keys to the door but only those who choose to open with the keys they have received can enter in. The rights we have received is not just for the celebration of graduation. It is a celebration for a life prepared for us by God’s only Son, Jesus Christ. So that we can put into practice daily in our life’s journey untill we enter our eternal rest with Him. This is the reason we need Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and this is the reason we need to live, move and have our being in Christ. Let us take hold of our identity in Christ and live life fully by exercising the rights we have received in Christ Jesus. Blessings