Romans 8:31 NKJV
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31 NKJV
What Paul is saying to us in this verse is that we as believers in Christ have an inheritance, a call, a destiny, a purpose, and a mission that cannot be destroyed.
Paul laid out for us to see the whole finished work of the cross, the saving grace of God, and His purpose towards mankind.
Paul started this chapter by revealing that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
We are not of the flesh but of the spirit, and we have been raised to live in the spirit and by the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.
Now we are debtors to righteousness and not debtors to sin and death. We are held in the righteousness of God by faith.
We have been predestined to flourish, be victorious, be filled with God’s goodness, have authority over every power, over every enemy, and be made in His image and likeness.
We could not lose a battle when we are loaded up with God like that. There is no reason believers can be defeated by the stress, worries, and challenges of life.
If we remain in Christ, meditate on this, put all of this into practice, and have our minds stay in Him, there is no reason to fail but to fulfil the destiny God has for us.
God is FOR US. That is a powerful truth in itself.
Who can come against God? NO ONE.
So God is for us, therefore NO ONE can come against us.
If we have been overcome by sin and have failed, it would be because we have allowed them, perhaps we have not meditated on this truth and have not remained in Him.
This life is a journey, bringing ourselves in alignment to His Image.
Therefore, it should propel us to press on to this call to live in God’s righteousness and power.
Any setbacks for believers are just an indication to get back in alignment with God, His word, and His image.
Men and women of God, let us rise up to all that Christ has done in our lives.
Ps Ambrose