John 10:28 NKJV
“And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”
John 10:28 NKJV
Jesus spoke about the abundance that He lays for all who will believe in Him. It is a sure foundation that is complete.
Even when we have taken the wrong turn, if we seek Him, He will lead us back to His purpose which is His best for His children.
Jesus said that what He is giving cannot be taken away by the enemy and it is sealed for eternity.
Many believers live life without the complete assurance of what we already have in Christ Jesus.
Many believe but yet the way we respond to the crisis in life reflects otherwise.
We have the God who created the world living in us by His Spirit and yet we fall short because we let the things of the world affect us.
As Jesus said in the verse before that my sheep knows my voice. Knowing God is the most important part of our lives as a believer.
We can’t believe what we don’t know. If we get to know God, then we can believe the impossible.
Jesus is calling us to trust Him completely and rely on Him confidently so that we will not be shaken.
Jesus has given everything that we need pertaining to life and godliness.
Therefore, let us build our confidence in Christ, believe in His promises, and live in the power of His resurrection.
Ps Ambrose