Jude 1:4 NKJV
“For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Jude 1:4 NKJV
Jude encouraged all believers in Christ to stay true to God’s nature that’s revealed in God’s word.
There are many that have come in to the body of Christ to twist the word of God to their own benefits.
Teachings about Grace to continue to live in sin or follow the law and live by the rituals.
Anything that does not reflect God and His character is not from Him.
People who continue to live in sin and thinks that’s fine have lost the true meaning of Grace.
Grace is the power to live free from sin and it reflects what Christ has done for His children.
People who continue to carry out the law and walk by them to be righteous have denied the work of the cross.
Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the law and gave us His Spirit so that we may live, move and have our being in Him.
Every word that we hear needs to be brought in the light of God’s word, God’s image and His likeness.
Anything else is best to keep it out of our practices because it can open the doors to let the enemy in.
We need to close every door that does not reflect God and His image. We need to open doors that shine forth His character and His likeness.
There are already many things that have creeped in and have been built into the church system that does not reflect God’s image or His likeness.
If we don’t take time to remove them, it will continue to build and spread like a bad virus.
Let’s pull out the old and plant the new that is found in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ps Ambrose