‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


“And he said to me, “What do you see?” So I said, “I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps.”

‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

This is Zachariah’s vision of the lamp and the olive tree. Here in this verse, Zachariah saw an unusual vision.

In the temple, the golden lampstand will be maintained by the priest every day.

The priest will trim the wicks and add oil to the lampstand.

What Zachariah saw in this vision was something different from what he knew.

Here the seven pipes were directly fitted to fill the seven lamps.

This also speaks of the life we will have in the new covenant where the Holy Spirit of God directly leads God’s people in their personal walk with God.

There is no longer a mediator between God and His people.

Therefore, it is no longer just living the life we want but the life God had prepared before the foundation of the earth as His children.

If we see ourselves as God’s children and believe that the Lord Himself will lead and guide us by His Spirit, then we will see the things God has prepared for us.

God’s word says that He is doing a new thing and it is springing forth.

We need to keep looking at the springing forth of God’s glory every day.

We need to seek Him and know all that He has done so that we can start to walk in Him.

Let us keep building ourselves in the Lord by praying in the Spirit and living in His power.


Ps Ambrose


‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭Haggai‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭James‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV