Matthew 25:16 NKJV
“Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents.”
Matthew 25:16 NKJV
It is true that we need to use our talents and multiply them for the glory of God.
This passage speaks about the talents the master gave. Not just about our personal abilities.
What our Heavenly Father has given to us is a talent in our hands.
God gave us the authority to rule and reign with Him in this world. He expects us to use that authority to subdue every enemy.
God gave us the keys of the kingdom so that we can bind and lose according to His plans and purposes.
God has made us more than a conqueror so that we will be able to live free from the power of satan and set people free who are under satan's bondage.
Everything that we have received from the Lord needs to be developed and produced back to God.
God has empowered us with His Spirit who lives and abides in us to be productive.
We who are believers in Christ are producers. We produce because God who is the source of all good things lives in us.
To produce and multiply should be a natural part of our lives. Because God’s river always stays flowing and His abundance never fails.
This is the reason God sends the disciples to duplicate themselves and make disciples.
Disciples produce because that is what they do. They disciple and make more disciples.
The talents we have received from God are far beyond anyone can imagine and are above every power of the enemy.
Let us step out in faith, start believing by taking steps to do according to His word, and produce all that the Lord has promised.
Ps Ambrose