Psalms 4:3 NKJV
“But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is godly; The Lord will hear when I call to Him.”
Psalms 4:3 NKJV
When David cried out to the Lord that he had been reviled in the time of distress. The Lord answered in verse 2, how long O you sons of men will turn my glory into shame?
It was the same David who brought Goliath down with a single slingshot and killed the one who struck terror in the hearts of the entire army.
What changed in this situation? David’s focus was changed and he was meditating on what was happening to him.
In the next verse, it says that God has set apart for Himself those who are godly, those whose eyes are set upon God and not on the circumstances.
We too have slain some giants in our own lives yet sometimes we let smaller things shake us off our beliefs concerning protection and deliverance.
Just like David changed focus, many of those incidents have changed our focus.
When the focus is changed, we will see different visuals, from God who gave victory over the enemy to becoming victims of the enemy.
We have been set apart for God as one who will walk in victory and shine His glory to the world.
Today as new covenant believers in Christ Jesus, we have a superior covenant with a superior blessing.
Today we all can walk in the very presence of God every day. Our words and our actions can bring supernatural change in every situation.
We know God is able to perform miracles. He gave the power to perform miracles to His people. The question is what are we doing with that power?
When the focus changed, our prayers too have changed. Instead of walking by faith and performing miracles like the believers in the book of Acts, we start to ask God to do what He has told us to do.
God is not going to set for Himself. HE ALREADY SET FOR HIMSELF. That is you and I who believe in Jesus.
Let us walk with the right focus and don’t let our focus change but stay on Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ps Ambrose