Romans 15:6 NKJV
“that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Romans 15:6 NKJV
Paul teaches us to be of one mind with Christ so that we also speak the same thing that is according to what Christ has done.
The Father’s glory is dependant on His children having the mind of Christ, speaking the words of Christ, and demonstrating the life of Christ.
Though in the natural it seems impossible to do that yet we are not living as natural people in this world.
We are children of the living God.
We are spirit-filled believers who have been transformed from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His light.
We are to live by the same power Jesus lived and do the things Jesus did because we are empowered by the same spirit of God that Jesus had.
We will bring glory to our Heavenly Father when we align our minds, words, and life according to Jesus.
We don’t invent some other way to bring God the glory because it does not work. It is only through His own way and His own power that we can bring God true glory and honour.
It is robbery to think anything less than what Jesus has made us to be. It is robbery to belittle ourselves when God has made us the head and not the tail.
We must not rob God of His glory and power by our small thinking, defeated mentality, and living like Jesus has not done anything.
Let us be one in Christ Jesus, carrying the same image, speaking His promises, and bringing glory to our Father in heaven.
Ps Ambrose