Hebrews 10:27 NKJV
“but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.”
Hebrews 10:27 NKJV
The writer is speaking about the consequences and judgment that believers will face if they wilfully choose to live in sin.
This judgment is not talking about losing salvation but talking about facing the purifying fire of God.
This fire is meant to detach us from satan and his works. If believers yield to God, then they will be set free from the desires of satan.
But if they continue to hold on to sin, then the fire that is meant to burn the adversaries will eventually burn the person who holds on to sin.
Again, this is not God’s choice to punish but it’s the result of disobedience that men chose to love the fallen things deliberately rather than the righteousnesses of God.
There is a final judgment that God has set to end all evil once and for all. Why not end it now?
There are many that are blinded by the enemy who needs the opportunity to hear the truth so they can see and be redeemed before the final judgment.
This is where we as the church come in to spread the truth so that many eyes can be opened to receive Jesus and escape the punishment.
The delay is not to prolong the suffering but to prolong the grace of God for redemption.
The enemy is doing his best to keep people blinded from the truth. We need to break out in the open to declare the saving knowledge of Jesus.
We who believe in Jesus should not entangle ourselves in sin but to liberate people with the truth of God’s word to all.
Let us remain in God and let His purifying fire burn away every work of satan and his desire so that we will live in the liberty that Jesus has purchased for us.
Ps Ambrose