II Peter 1:9 NKJV
“For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.”
II Peter 1:9 NKJV
In this letter, Simon Peter the author reminds the believers that they have received all things pertaining to life and godliness.
He is reminding us that we are partakers of God’s divine nature. We are carriers of His glory here on earth.
Simon Peter is teaching us that if we do not live life as one who has received all things from God, then we are short-sighted and can leave us blind to the spiritual things.
This is such an important mindset, knowledge, and understanding that we all should have as a believer.
We will not be able to discern and see the spiritual blessings that the Lord has prepared for us if we fail to acknowledge that we have already received them from the Lord.
Jesus accomplished that for each one of us and gave us to be partakers of His divine nature.
We live our life as a saint, washed in the blood and as a new creation in Christ Jesus. We now live our lives through Christ and not through our own.
If we continue to believe, speak, and walk as one who has received all things from Christ, then we will be able to see clearly His plans and purposes for our lives.
We all can acknowledge that none of us are worthy of such honour and none of us can attain such a life.
It is given to us by Christ Jesus. It is a gift from God to mankind. To honour His gift, we need to live by it.
It has cost Jesus His life for us to receive this life today. We need to be mindful of this at all times.
Renewing our minds and heart as ones who have been redeemed, clothed, and restored in God’s glory and power.
Ps Ambrose