Genesis 37:24 NKJV
“Then they took him and cast him into a pit. And the pit was empty; there was no water in it.”
Genesis 37:24 NKJV
Joseph had a dream, a dream about who he is going to be. He spoke about it without knowing the responsibility and the service he will give to the people.
The dream of his brother, mother, and father bowing down to him is not about him being lord over them but serving them.
Joseph's journey of serving the Lord began in the pit. Joseph learned about his position of authority to serve the people.
From a pit to a palace and from a slave to a prime minister of Egypt. This is the journey Joseph took and did not quit.
If we are feeling like we are in a pit when we know God has spoken to us about great things, don’t lose heart but let the Lord lead us.
There are things that God will do so that in the end, we can be the best in whatever God has appointed for us.
It is important to learn that everything that God has given is for serving each other. All the gifts are to be shared and to be used to care for and to love each other.
Every vision and dream will be put to a test. When our attention moves from self to others then we know we will not abuse the gifts but use them to bless our family, community, nation, and the world.
We must not despise humble beginnings. Every great accomplishment starts small with someone who believes and is committed to living it through the test.
If we see each mountain and storm as a lesson that we can learn to be better and more efficient, then we can be assured to be ready for the mission that God had prepared for us.
Let us respect and honour every test as it will empower us to a greater level in life.
Ps Ambrose