Psalms 23:5 NKJV
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.”
Psalms 23:5 NKJV
Many people run away from the enemy, hide from them, and don’t want to engage in combat with them.
The enemy always comes and takes possession of the things that are rightfully ours. The enemy oppresses and takes away the joy that is rightfully ours.
That is what the enemy wants to do that is to kill, steal and destroy every good thing that the Lord has blessed us.
If we keep running, if we keep hiding and are always afraid of the enemy, we have lost the battle and will start losing our inheritance.
If there is an enemy in our lives, it is there because God is going to show us that we are stronger, we are the one in charge and we are the one who makes the call.
The presence of the enemy in our lives is to show us that God has raised us above them.
While we enjoy the blessings of the Lord, the enemy watches in defeat and is paralysed by the power of God in and through us.
We have been anointed and have been empowered to stand and subdue every enemy and our barns will overflow with great things.
If we are afraid of the enemy, if we are hiding from our enemy and are always running away, this means we do not believe in the power of God and what God has done for us on the cross.
We need to face the enemy knowing that they are there to testify their defeat and we will enjoy the blessings of the Lord before our enemies.
Let us be bold in Christ Jesus and take our place of victory, power, and love.
Ps Ambrose